SEKPY in Paris: A “Hellenic Gala” that Unites Societies and Strengthens Partnerships

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The Hellenic Manufacturers of Defense Materiel Association (SEKPY) successfully hosted a Greek Evening, marking the second Hellenic Gala in the City of Light.

Following the third day of the major International Naval Equipment Exhibition, EURONAVAL 2024, the Association, representing the entire Greek defence industry with a National Pavilion, organized an event at the innovative floating event hall “LES JARDINS DU PONT NEUF”.

During the Greek Evening, the Association took the opportunity to showcase Greek culture, strengthen bonds of solidarity within the European family, and create a welcoming environment that promotes networking and the establishment of professional relationships among individuals with shared interests.

Attendance at the event was impressive, exceeding expectations, as the reception hall was filled with representatives, executives, and senior officials from European and international organizations, including the Permanent Representations in Brussels, the European Commission, NATO, the ASD as well as members from other industry bodies and companies.

The outcome of this event was the reinforcement of the bonds connecting European states, ties that are not limited merely to historical and geographical factors, but represent a shared commitment to promoting peace, stability, and security across Europe and the world.

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